Level |
Rate |
Description |
Title Sponsor (1) |
$2,000 |
- One (1) single exhibit table
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your site through the duration of the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage
- Company logo will appear on the front page of the conference program.
- Premium position for your company banner (company provided) in the main conference room.
- Title, Platinum and Gold sponsor logos on signage at each conference table.
- Recognition before breaks, lunch and Evening Reception.
Platinum Sponsor (4) |
$,1500 |
- One (1) single exhibit table
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your site through the duration of the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage
- Company logo will appear in premium position on 1/4 back page display ad in the conference program.
- Premium position for your company banner (company provided) in the main conference room.
- Title, Platinum and Gold sponsor logos on signage at each conference table.
- Recognition before breaks, lunch and Evening Reception.
Gold Sponsor |
$1,000 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails through the duration of the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage
- Company logo will appear in the back inside page of conference program.
- Your company banner (company provided) will be in the main conference room.
- Title, Platinum and Gold sponsor logos on signage at each conference table.
Silver Sponsor |
$650 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails through the duration of the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
Friends of WMBA |
$250 |
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
Exhibitor |
Single Table $750
Double Table $1,000
Single Exhibit Table:
- One (1) skirted table, two chairs and a wastebasket (will accommodate booth-like set-up)
- Two (2) full conference registrations (Evening Reception not included)
- Company name included in the exhibitor listing at the event
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo in the conference program
Double Exhibit Table:
- Two (2) skirted tables, two chairs and a wastebasket (will accommodate booth-like set-up)
- Two (2) full conference registrations (Evening Reception not included)
- Company name included in the exhibitor listing at the event
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo in the conference program
Breakfast Sponsor (2) |
$350 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your website throughout the registration phase to the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on signage at breakfast table.
Morning Break Sponsor (2) |
$350 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your website throughout the registration phase to the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on signage at AM Break table.
Lunch Sponsor (2) |
$750 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your website throughout the registration phase to the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on tabletop signage at lunch.
Afternoon Break Sponsor (2)
Sold Out |
$350 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your website throughout the registration phase to the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on signage at PM Break table.
Afternoon Beverage Sponsor (4) |
$250 |
- Cash bar open from 3:15pm - 4:30pm
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your website throughout the registration phase to the conference.
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on signage at reception bar.
Evening Reception Appetizer Sponsor (4) |
$500 |
- Company logo included on onsite event signage.
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on signage at appetizer tables.
Evening Reception Beverage Sponsor (4) |
$250 |
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo on signage at beverage station at Evening Reception.
Evening Reception Cocktail Napkin Sponsor (1) |
$500 |
- Company logo will appear in the conference program.
- Company logo printed on cocktail napkins at reception.
Evening Reception Bags Tournament Sponsors (2)
Sold Out |
$600 |
- Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails through the duration of the conference.
- Company logo included on Bags Tournament materials and signage at the event.